2024 Memberships Now Available!

Be a part of the place you love!  Sign up now and enjoy the benefits of membership immediately!  We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, member-driven organization that relies on the enthusiasm and input from our members to determine what programs and services we will provide. Our Board of Directors is comprised of members, elected by their peers who volunteer their time. Have a stake in our future, be an insider, support local art, join the Wallkill River Center for the Arts.


Memberships will begin to be mailed out in the new year. Thank you for your patience and supporting us year-round.


Individual Memberships


Interested in a Corporate Membership?  Let’s talk.

Contact Sarah Fortner Pierson, Executive Director, at spierson@wallkill.art to discuss your goals and how we can partner together with employee discounts and team building.